Sunday, March 22, 2009


Technology is the application of science to industrial or commercial objectives. I believe the five most important technologies used for me today are computers, phones, IPod, cars, and electricity. This is because these are my five most used technologies. My five least important technologies would be lawnmowers, microwaves, TVs, blow-dryers, and vacuums. I chose these because none of them really have any point. A.E.S’s technology, I find, is very efficient. I do think, however, that we print way to much paper. I recommended that instead of printing papers to send them to our teachers or that every class should get a blog and that’s where they can keep their homework, projects, etc.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The more I think about what Mr. Vonnegut the more I agree. The computer, although a very useful contraption, is slowly taking away what skills we should posses. The world today has become a very fast place. With everyone on the move the computer has become a very popular way to socialize and interact with other people who are half way around the world. Yet, we also use it to communicate with those whom live right down the road. People are getting so caught up in their own lives and having to be doing something that we are slowly stopping the confrontation of each other and instead using our laptops to write someone an email. In the Euphio Question by Kurt Vonnegut we are introduced to a machine that brings happiness. I think why people, especially Lew Harrison, are intrigued by this machine is because it gives people time to slow down and appreciate one another for awhile. Once upon a time there were no computers, plans, or even telephones and people had to visit each other in order to tell one another something. Since there were no contraptions to speed life along people had to take the time to truly get to know each other and appreciate life. Now, with all of our machines, people get to know each other by your profile picture or the things you say to one another on a message and we always want more. People talk about how life is moving along so quickly but the truth is that it’s us who are speeding life away and not appreciating it; it is us who want more machines and computers; and it is us who are slowly separating ourselves from one another.

Monday, March 16, 2009


My goals for quarter three were to get an A in A.R and an A in the over all humanities class. Thankfully, because I planned ahead and started reading a lot during summer and during the school year, I was able to keep my goal of an A over all in A.R. In the over all humanities grade I got a 92.19% therefor giving me the grade of an A-. Although I was able to reach my goal of an A I wish I had done better on my tests an quizzes.

For this final quarter my two goals are to plan well for UBD and to get an A in humanities. My goal for UBD is to work for an hour and a half or more each week and to try to have a rough draft of the final project by the end of spring break. As for humanities, I would like to be able to get good grade son tests and I will do this by studying ahead of time rather then the night before. This way I will hopefully get an A.