Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nigerian With 86 Wives

This article is about a Nigerian man who has 86 wives and is refusing to divorce any of them. The reason this is so significant is because there hasn't been a man who has had so many wives before and Mr.Abubakar is Muslim. In the Koran, the holy book for Muslims, it says that a man can marry up to 4 wives as long as he treats them all equally. There has been a huge controversy against this because Mr.Abubakar says that Mohammad spoke to him and told him to marry all these women and that in the Koran there is no punishment for a man that has more then four wives but, many Muslims believe that there should be.
I do believe this article is worthy for posting because it is very unique. Unique situations are worth posting because they tend to be fascinating. This means the more fascinating it is then more people will want to read it. Also, if an article is unique people will talk about it more and more making the story huge. In conclusion, I believe that this article is worth publishing because it is a very unique situation and people all over the world will find it interesting.



Paolo said...

That's a good story you found which is vary controversial. What especially liked about it is how you but your personal opinion aside and showed what other people think instead. I think you did really well writing this piece since it is clear, easy to understand and to the point. Well Done.