Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cartoon Reflection

In this picture contrast and alignment are a huge part of this image. The contrast in this image is within the colour between black and white. Also, the alignment in this picture helps the slogan pop out and catch the viewers attention. The issue shown in the cartoon is based on how technology is progressing and where it will be in the future. I think the cartoonists opinion on this is a negative one by the way he underlines the "tell" in the banner. It helps you understand that the parents want to hear it from their son rather then reading it on his blog post. This cartoon is ironic because instead of telling his parents how his day went he uses a blog to express how his day went. I found this ironic because the usual thing to do would be to explain things to your parents rather then post them to a computer. This image helps portray technology in the future in a very simple manner. It demonstrates how children get attached to technology and how technology will eventually take over social lives to the extent that we will no longer communicate with one another. The cartoonist could have made this image more effective by making the slogan stand out more so that the viewer could see it better.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


During this next week I want to have a final draft of my research paper. I think this is manageable because I have a rough draft of it currently and with some peer editing I think I can finish it.

Monday: Review outline, add touch ups, talk to Mr.Coyle
Tuesday: Get someone to peer edit my first two paragraphs
Wednesday: Get someone to look at my last three paragraphs
Thursday: Work on calculations for data analysis
Friday: Work on writing second paragraph for data analysis