Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Cartoon

This picture is making a statement about the negative sides of Capitalism. This image shows a man (fat man) squeezing all the money out of a laborer. The issue this political cartoon is portraying is how the people who own the factories use the laborers to make a profit by making them do all the work and giving them minimum wages. That is the reason for making him fat, the wealthier he is the more food he can buy. The cartoonists’ idea of this issue is that the laborers are not getting the amount of money that they deserve and that the factory owners should be earning less. The reason for me saying that is because in this image the factory owner is the “bag guy” with lots of money that he did nothing to earn and the laborer is shown with no money when he was the one who worked for it. In order to make the picture more persuasive the artist could have made the laborer more distressed and prominent.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Goal Update

I set two goals for myself for this quarter. My first goal was too improve my spelling. I think compared to last year I have. The other goal I had was to get an A for A.R. I can't say I have done this yet because I haven't taken an A.R quiz yet. I think I will probably get an A though because I read many books over the summer. I read three series of books and each series had 3 or more books in them. In all i think I will I will be able to reach my goals by the end of the quarter.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1870's Stock Market Stimulation

I did well on this simulation and I really enjoyed it. One thing that I found was very important was our first tip “Buy low…Sell high.” After the few two or three years when I saw that a product was increasing I bought it and then when I sold it when it was much more expensive. This made my profit large.

Monday, September 1, 2008


• The growth of businesses
• New inventions
• Faster transportation
• People began living longer lives
• When the Industrial Revolution was moved to New England the products became cheaper


• Lots of people did not like the idea of big factories
• Women and children were forced to work
• Spying began
• Pollution became horrible

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